Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bike, Run and the end of the race

The transition was something that worried me a bit just because I've never done it before. I didn't do great but I didn't do poorly in transition either. I had to put on my shoes and helmet and get ready for the bike and then I had to do the same with the run.

Here I am getting my bike down to go for the bike ride.

Here's the end of the race. I had a little left in me... surprisingly... so I had a kick at the end. I know now that I need to go a little harder on the bike and run so I'm more worn out at the end. ;-)

Samara wanted a drink of Mommy's water at the end so here she is drinking my water. I'm so glad that my kids were able to see me do this. Alyssa keeps saying that she wants to do a triathlon now. I told her that she had to learn to ride her bike without training wheels and learn how to swim and then I'd let her. She got really excited and started running all over the house saying that she was training for her triathlon.

I am so proud of my friend that we were able to do something like this together. It was awesome. So the swim was 300 meters, bike 11.5 miles, and then run 3.1 miles. I don't know my split times yet but I will post them as soon as I do know. My overall time was 1 hour 18 minutes and 5.3 seconds. I was 10th in the 25-29 year old age group. I was 131st overall men and women out of over 310. I was the 38th female... I'm not sure how many raced though. When I find out my splits I'll be posting those as well. Thanks for everyone's support and confidence in me. You'll hear about me doing this again I'm sure. I'm kind of lost as to what to do next. I guess I can just start training for next year. Maybe a marathon soon!!! Who knows.


Unknown said...

Congrats Kim!!

Life throws you surprises! said...

128 females.

We are awesome!

Monique said...

you rock!!You know I'd be right there with you if I could. . . see you soon!

The Grimmett's said...

That is so awesome that you were able to do that! I really admire your hard work!

Unknown said...

It looks like you had fun. Congrats!