Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Alyssa's Kindergarten "Celebration"

Alyssa has graduated Kindergarten. She'll be in 1st grade next year! How crazy is that! They called it a Celebration not a graduation. I'm not sure why but oh well. We celebrated!! When we came up to the door they had a reading cafe set up with menus and Alyssa had a little apron on and she would ask us what we would like and she'd go get the book that we picked and read it to us. It was a really cute idea.

All of us were intently listening as she read. Micah's mom and sister were with us but I guess they were taking the pictures.

The menu.

Hi Nattie.

Mommy and Mara watching while Syssa gets ready to do some songs she learned.

All Smiles.

Getting ready to sing.

All grown up.

What a cute group of kids.

Her kindergarten class.

Nattie running around after the celebration.

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