Sunday, June 13, 2010

Micah's trip to Haiti

Here are just some of the ton of pictures Micah brought back from Haiti. Some I have no idea how to explain. If you have ever been to an orphanage you may just understand that it's not something you can explain. It's so much different than you could ever think.

This is Fafane and Guerline with the cars that their Daddy brought them.

Being silly. These are some more people that went with Micah plus the kids they are adopting.

Jumprope! One of their favorite things to do!

Looking down from the upstairs balcony.

One of the nannys.

The street outside the orphanage. It's on a steep hill so you kind of have to get a run at it to get up it.

Braiding hair

Daddy with his girls!

At the Baptist Mission in Haiti.

Standing outside. Pastor Jean Fritz is amazing! That's him in the white and blue shirt.

Guerline. They all wear clothes that are way too small for them. I can't wait to get them home and get them clothes that fit them properly! Lord, make the process go by quickly and smoothly.

Guerline being camera shy.

Fafane eating a footlong hot dog. She also had a piece of pizza. The girls were so hungry (grangou).

Micah with his girls.

The footlong!

Eating... Yummy!

Fafane saying my daddy.

The girls really clung to Micah. It happens when they know you want to adopt them... and even when they just want you to adopt them or sometimes for no reason at all.

Guerline taking a picture.

On the computer with Skype. We love Skype!

Guerline on the ladder. They hang clothes to dry on the rooftop and they use this ladder to get up there. It rains a lot at night but the clothes end up getting dry somehow.

Looking down off the balcony again.

Should I jump in? They don't get baths very often so I'll bet it'd feel good if she was able to get in.



Eating Ice Cream! Yummy.
Random kids being silly.

Micah was so awesome with the girls. He taught them little bits of math with playing cards. How awesome is that. They caught on quickly he said.


Such a sweetheart!

Stephania looking at pictures that Micah was taking.

Guerline taking a picture of Micah.

Where Guerline slept each night, on the floor!

Babies sleeping. How awesome is this!

Taking pictures of herself. I have a ton of pictures of Guerline but Fafane is my shy one.

My Guerline loves to be silly.


Christie said...

I love your pictures! It is great that Micah got to go there. I am praying that things will keep going smoothly and (hopefully!) quickly. What language do they speak? French? Thinking of you all and hoping you bring them home soon! Christie

ksjones83 said...

They speak Haitian Creole there. Most of the government knows French though. The kids, unless they were formally schooled, do not konw French. Creole is a lot different than French but has some similarities. Thanks for all the prayers and support! It's much needed and much appreciated!