Monday, September 1, 2008

Now that she's 1 year old

Now that Nattie's one she thinks she's a big girl. She grabs onto Mommy or Daddy's pant legs with one hand and walks. She finally cut her third tooth, top right. She tries to say the things we say. She can say pretty much anything with 2 syllables or less. The other day she said cracker and yesterday we had cake so she said cake. It's so much fun. She is one hand cruising on everything; that's what I call it when the just have one hand on the wall or some other object and walk. She likes to play in the playroom with her sisters without Mommy or Daddy being in there. She gives high fives and thanks to my sister, Angela, Alyssa and Samara have taught her "pound it", so she does that too. She is very jealous of anybody that her Mommy holds. She is still a Mommy's girl which is a blessing but on the days that I have to get a lot done it's not so fun. All three of my girls are growing up so quickly. I can't wait to see the next things they do. I hope that I'm just able to bring them up in the way that they should go.

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