Sunday, August 17, 2008

Samara turns 3!!!

Samara is now 3!!! I can't believe it. Here are some pictures of each birthday.

The most important birthday!

Samara turning one.

Eating cake at her second birthday

Her third birthday. Here's the M and M cake that she wanted me to make. I decided to write Samara around the edge since Happy BDay Mara didn't fit on the top. Then I covered it with M and Ms to hide the mess I made trying to write Happy BDay Mara.

We had Mara's party at a park kind of close by... about 20 minutes away. This is Mara in one of the tubes at the park.

Syssa at the park.

Going down the slide with friends.
Nattie had a great time playing with some friends. Here one of her friends is sound asleep. Party Pooper. :-)
The kids made bug jars. I had forgotten glue but a friend of ours was gracious enough to go and buy some glue. Thanks for saving the day!

Getting ready to open up presents.

My little princess.
Micah took a video of the candles being blown out. Mommy helped a little.
Eating cake.
After the birthday party we went with some of our relatives to Wall-E. It was cute but afterwards the girls were all tuckered out. Here they are after we pulled into the garage at our house. Sound asleep. Nattie was the only one awake but she went right back to sleep.
All in all her party was a success she is definitely the cutest 3 year old on the face of this earth. I love her to death. She's getting so big and is going to do something great with her life. I know that because she's very determined and very strong-willed. She's a precious gift from God and I'm proud to call her my daughter.


ME said...

Happy Birthday Mara! We miss you!

Monique said...

We wish we could have been there! :( I think it's quite amazing that our little ones are going to be ONE here soon!!! gasp! No way! Anyway, hope you are well. We are letting our nerves settle down and enjoying this beautiful country. :)

Life throws you surprises! said...

It was fun.... glad my party pooper was asleep...:)