Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A week filled with fun

The girls have this week off of school so we have been having a week (two days so far) filled with fun! We have done a couple crafts and done a lot of catching up on writing letters for Mara. Well, when she went into school at the beginning of the year she knew how to write every letter and place it perfectly on the line. (One of the things we worked on over the summer.) Now she has a hard time remembering where they go. I should've been working with her while she was going to school but I thought she'd be fine because she was in school right? WRONG! Well, all that means is that she will have a few sentences to write when she gets home from school. She has no other homework so I know she'll be able to do this with no problems. Usually she wants to do her Comprehensive Curriculum workbook because Alyssa has homework anyways. Well, hopefully when she gets back to school next week her handwriting will be better than ever... and then next year she will be ready to write stories instead of work on her handwriting.

Anyways, Micah's sister and a couple friends are coming down for Thanksgiving so I'm pretty sure I won't be blogging Wed-Fri... although I haven't blogged for a LOT longer than that before. I'm just starting to get back into this, even if it is just random thoughts. Well, I'll probably post any crafts or things that we do, with pictures, on my homeschooling site... http://jonesfamhomeschool.blogspot.com If I don't get back on here and post before Thanksgiving... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! (It should really be ThanksLIVING!)

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